Flexible ducts ATCO, attendant group
ATCO - 110
The series of flexible ducts without terminsulation (related to hardflamed materials according to p.4.3 ГОСТ 12.1.044-89) developed for supplied and referenced air in systems for living and commercial usage in ventilation and air-conditioning systems. details |
ATCO - 500
Description: uninsulated air duct for using in systems with average and low pressure. details |
Description: the series of hands with insulation layer, intended for terminsulation of air ducts of round and oval cross section, and are made of leaf metal. Width of insulation is 32mm. details |
ATCO - 111
Description: flexible terminsulated air ducts, intended for systems of air-conditioning and ventilation. It is easy to install on canals of round and oval cross section. Compact airproof construction with smooth internal surface leads to the reducing of pressure on rubbing and loss of expluatational expenses. details |
Description: flexible terminsulated air duct, intended for systems of ventilation and air-conditioning with low and average pressure. It is easy to install on the canals with round and oval cross section. details |
Description: flexible terminsulated air ducts, intended for systems of air-conditioning and ventilation. It is easy to install on canals of round and oval cross section. Compact airproof construction with smooth internal surface allows reducing the pressure loss on rubbing and loss of expluatational expenses. details |