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The insulating ventilation with the help of K-FLEX ST 1000-1500 material.

GIF Thermo-insulation K-Flex and accessories

Term insulation for tubes


Term insulating for tubes. Synthetic rubber.

The insulating ventilation with the help of K-FLEX ST 1000-1500 material.

Изоляция систем вентиляции и кондиционирования воздуха с помощью листового материала K-FLEX ST 1000/1500 мУвеличение ширины материала на 50% позволяет сократить время монтажа за счет уменьшения количества стыков изоляции, особенно на длинных, прямых участках трубопровода большого диаметра.

When using the self-adhesive leaf insulation

  1. Cut the leaf of necessary size.
  2. Pile up the smooth layer of glue K414 on stick able butt-ends.
  3. As soon as the glue dries turn the leaf around the conduct, connect the ends of material and press them on a short period of time.
  4. Carefully stick the borders of insulating tube to formerly installed material.

When using the self-adhesive leaf material carefully delete the protective film and press the leaf to isolatable surface.

Before starting the work clean the surface with the help of "K-FLEX" cleaning.

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tel.: +380-44-50-101-50
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